Star Miss Bongo Movies, Aunt Ezekiel, has said that she wished to give birth, because she has tired of her pregnancy , because it has made him fail to find work to play another film.
" It's no secret I am fed up with this pregnancy , I wish even today nijifungue , because I get to go again acted drama that tend zinaniingizia subsistence money and do not know when I will deliver, " said the artist.
Aunt Ezekiel, who starred as the Main Character on the film "Choz la Mwanjaa" , said she was aware of the pregnancy is a blessing and there are people who desire to get pregnant and do not get, but sometimes it is like a punishment.

As Speaking yesterday, the artist said that invitations to play the film has withheld and now cant earn any income, instead the money comes from , which makes she desires to give birth ili aondokane such persecutions.
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