Some people say am a show off, I just look at them and smile, because I know it’s because they’d like to be in my shoes!
I see people who buy 20 bucks meal and it’s on the gram. I see people who make new hair and nails and in 5 seconds it’s on the gram. Y’all be like Dress by this, hair by @verasidikahairlounge Face beat by Felicia but if I post now and say my 140,000 Kenya Shillings 160mm CL shoes on fleek which is actuAlly and truly on fleek then I become show off Sidika!
But still be wishing in your mind you were this blessed My shoes for the night
Oh yeah…it’s an ALL BLACK AFFAIR but I decided to add some colour #Bloodybottoms #CL #Redsoles #Hostesswiththemostest #Skylux #Allblackparty #Turnupwiththequeen
See the shoes which Vera says cost her 140k;

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